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Minutes & Video from 2020 Annual Convention


The meeting was held virtually via Zoom.

  • The zoom convention was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by President Steve Fitzgerald

  • Schools represented were: Amherst, Babson, Bates, Boston College, Brandeis, Bridgewater State, Bryant, Connecticut College, Dartmouth, Fitchburg State, Franklin Pierce, Hartford, Holy Cross, Husson, UMass/Amherst, UMass/Dartmouth, UMass/Lowell, Maine, Merrimack, MIT, Mount Holyoke, New Hampshire University, Northeastern, Quinnipiac, Rhode Island University, Sacred Heart, Smith, Southern Connecticut, Southern Maine, Springfield, Stonehill, Trinity, Tufts, U.S.Coast Guard Academy, Vermont, Wellesley, Wentworth, Wesleyan, Westfield State, Wheaton, Williams, Worcester State, and WPI. One guest was in attendance. All told, 73 people signed on. Please let me know if a school was listed or omitted as there was difficulty in reading sign-ons.

  • The previously circulated minutes of the fall convention was adopted.

  • The following slate of officers was approved for the upcoming year: President, Stephen Fitzgerald; Vice Presidents, David Fraizer and Ruben Sanca; Executive Committee, John Copeland and Kristin Morwick.

  • The 2019-2020 financial report was presented and discussed.

  • Much discussion ensued regarding the dues situation in consideration that last year’s outdoor championship along with this year’s cross country championship were cancelled. There is serious speculation that the indoor championship could be cancelled. The Director of the Reggie Lewis Track has us scheduled for 2021 championship, but the high schools have first consideration. Our Association received confirmation last year from the President of Roxbury Community College that we would be scheduled for 2021, but….. It is hoped that all will be resolved as we get closer to January. In the meantime, dues invoices had been sent out based on original membership specification. According to our constitution, dues are required and not based on competition. Dues collection will be suspended until a committee made up of members from all 3 divisions determine how to handle finances, procedures and competition. Discussion on outdoor championship scheduled for Northeastern University followed. NU coach unsure as to University procedures regarding outside participation at facility; to be determined.

  • Meeting adjourned at 11:05 A.M.

Respectfully submitted, Irwin Cohen

Video Recording of Convention


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