The annual convention of the Association will be held on September 15, 2021. At this time, It is not certain whether it will be a zoom or an in person meeting. A decision will be made by September 1 based on current city and state guidelines If you do not plan to attend, a Delegate Authorization Form is enclosed which will allow your track coach to represent you. Please forward any agenda items to me so as to allow sufficient time to be circulated to the membership. Be advised that as of today, the following items listed below will be on the agenda:
1. Roll Call
2. Correction and adoption of 2019 convention minutes
3. Election of officers
President: Steve Fitzgerald, Stonehill College
Vice President: David Fraizer, Northeastern University
Second Vice President: Ruben Sanca, University of Mass/ Lowell
Executive Committee: John Copeland, University of Rhode Island Kristin Morwick, Tufts University
4. Future Championships
Cross Country, Franklin Park October 9 2021;
Indoors, Reggie Lewis February 4,5 2022;
Outdoors, May 14,15, 2022 Site TBD
5. New business
a. Membership Suffolk University
b. Guest membership outside of New England
c. Reorganization of dues structure
6. 2022 Championship standards
7. Finances