2023 NEICAAA Convention
College of the Holy Cross (Hogan Campus Center) - Worcester, MA
September 12, 2023 - 10:00 AM
Delegate Authorization Form and Convention Registration

New England Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association
2023 NEICAAA Annual Convention
As per the Constitution, a convention of the Association shall be held during the month of September. Voting will be done by the Athletics Director or his/her representative. All votes will be recorded.
Representatives must present to the presiding officer of the convention written authorization from their Athletics Director stating his/her right to represent such college/university in all matters before the convention
Format for authorization to vote required by Article VI, Section 3
_______________________is authorized to represent
_______________________College/University at the September 12, 2023 NEICAAA convention
Signature of Athletics Director_____________________________
Please bring to the convention or email it to to neicaaa1887@gmail.com, so as to be received prior to the convention.
Shawn Green
145 Main St.
Durham, NH 03290